Managing the Transition from High School to University
Starting your first year of University can be equally exciting and daunting, and it is bound to push you out of your comfort zone.
Firstly, your University campus is likely a huge change from high school. Be prepared to get lost in between classes and on your way to cafes. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but the good news is that apps like Lost on Campus can help you find your way.
Studying at University is also very different. After being introduced to a range of new terms – like ‘major’ – and various course options at Open Days, the time comes to select your own course and subjects. An open-minded approach in subject selection will serve you well, along with the flexibility to change approach if your planned pathway does not suit you.
Finally, it is worthwhile remembering that all First Years are in the same position as you, eager to make friends, try new things, and have fun during their University degree. Connect with others through clubs and societies, or through simply talking to the student sitting next to you.
Read more about the transition to university and download this useful campus app for navigating the campus.
Good luck with the transition to life after school.
We are always interested in bright young minds to tutor with us. Please feel free to apply here.

Written by Sonia Francis | Founder | Managing Director | Avivo Elite Tutoring